Monday, April 3, 2017

Alright! your interest is greatly appreciated.

All I can do is be thank full to God for the good times and the bad times, like John said: I have leaned to have and to have less.  It's not only in the good times that we have to look toward Jesus but, also when times have diminished are capabilities to obtain certain commodities. This the true value that a Christian has proven himself before the Lord, that he will not back down under any circumstances. Amen!

Even thou I have been homeless for the past year do to some unfriendly neighbors that made me abandon my home. I still look forward knowing that God has the last say and there's​ a lot of sincerely inclined people that would love to make dreams come true.

I would like to introduce my self, I'm Antonio Rivera a homeless for the past year. I love Jesus with all my heart. I have been going through some hard times but always look towards a realistic future. I did graduate from Educational Tech​nical College at San Sebastian Puerto Rico April 2015 as a practical nurse and it was a good learning experience. However I leaned that there was a constant bullying or discrimination because I was a Christian. Nevertheless​ I endured with the highest scores. There where 12 in the group and only four finished​.

I have grate character in turbulent waters and can work extremely hard under bad weather.  I have noticed that I'm better then the average guy. So I started to read the  Bible 23 years ago and it seems to be right all along. The Bible​ always pulls me in the right direction, in the past years​ I have read the scriptures more than a thousand time.

A form of despair awaits where ever you go.  Man kind takes deep steps to improve him self nevertheless​ is declining in his ethics and morals. Consequently persuaded to follow the ambience imaginary mind, he struggles in delight as if responsibility realize in goods that he possesses. Unconsciously developing retrievals of the universe that God created. Triggering numerical methods, and alleviate a partially accommodation of the unknown. Conclusively statics is his own faith, leads him away from truths witch can only satisfy his principals.

My glancing through the portal of live sorts my imagination, I learn from other sources enamored by live expectations. Submissive to the outcome I become part of the knowledge that was already there. A speck, teaches you it needs a creator to be unfold. Existence is there​ but is limited. Exponentially​ impossible to control.  Thanks to God (Jehovah, Jesus, Holy Spirit) that this assertion can be exposed. There are world's out there according to the book of Melchizedek whose author is Abraham, even in the occult, info relates technologies of the gods (demons) of coexisting in the cosmos.

Hey, nice to meet you! It is ones potential to submit to the one who is greater and paid his final price! Amen. 

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